Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Summer is Over

With school back in session, and "paternity leave" from this blog finally over, it looks like it's time to get back to some posting.  It's been a busy summer full of applying herbicides, scouting crops, attending meetings, taking a family vacation etc.  The crop has had generally good growing conditions -- a bit too wet for the first half of the season -- and a bit too warm for the second half.  The hot summer has rapidly matured the crop.  (Simply put, heat ripens the corn, but sunshine makes the kernels bigger.  Hotter days = quicker to maturity = somewhat smaller ears/kernels).  We are still looking forward to a very good crop.

We expect harvest to begin as early as sometime next week.  That will be our earliest start ever -- and a full 5-6 weeks earlier than last year!!  We generally like to start harvesting when the corn is around 25-27% moisture.  Right now we have some down to just under 30%.  With warm sunny weather the corn can drop as much as 1% of moisture/day or even a bit more.

As I read the paragraph above I am reminded of last year.  Much of the corn never got below 30% moisture -- we were still harvesting corn that wet in December!